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What Food Can Help With Erectile Dysfunction?

20 May

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can strike any man at any time and if it happens to you, the important thing to remember is that you’re not alone – and that you must go and see your GP for further advice on what to do. However, lifestyle changes can have a big impact on performance so if you think your diet needs an overhaul, here are a few foods to introduce that could have an effect on how you’re feeling overall.

You may need to increase your intake of vitamin C, which can keep your collagen levels high to ensure good artery health. Stock up on broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, citrus fruits and berries to increase your vitamin C intake.

It’s also important to get good levels of vitamin B, which can help remove cholesterol and give your arteries a boost, allowing improved blood flow around your body. Fill your cupboards with eggs, bananas, brown rice, quinoa and buckwheat.

And don’t forget your vitamin E, either. You can find this in broccoli, seeds, nuts, fish and peppers, so try meal planning week in and week out so you know you’re hitting all the main food groups and starting to lead a healthier life.

Try to increase your intake of protein if you’re really worried about ED. Oil fish like salmon and tuna are high in omega 3 fatty acids which can lower your cholesterol and protect you against heart disease.

Make sure you chat to your doctor about ED and how you’re feeling before doing anything, however. He may well recommend that you seek out herbal Viagra online as a course of treatment.

